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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Zipper String Lock

Have you experienced being a victim of pick pockets reaching inside your bag behind you stealing your things?
Here is a tip to make it hard for pick pockets to open your backpack zipper.
If your bag has a zipper string, just pass it to each string to lock the zipper.
Watch the video as i make a demonstration. It will only take you a minute than be sorry for your lost items.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Key Ring / Key Chain

We all carry Key Rings or Key Chains in our pockets, but what does it has? You have your house main door key, back door key, car key, office key, office drawer key in your fancy collectibles item or souvenir item key ring or key chain. But, do you really need those keys and do you have something in your key ring or key chain you might need in case of an emergency like a screw driver, a whistle, a flashlight, a knife, and a rope?

After reading this article, you can consider recreating your key ring or key chain that includes the emergency items i have mentioned rather than having a lot of keys.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tying Techniques

During my Boy Scouting days, we were taught about different techniques on using a rope as a tool. Watch the video for some tying techniques that will be useful for survival.