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Monday, January 18, 2016

Prepping Mistakes to Avoid

Are you a Beginner Prepper?

This article will help you how to pave your way to preparedness correctly. Beginner Preppers and Fashion Preppers are usually filled with a new sense of purpose and urgency, and throw themselves into their new hobby/lifestyle with vigor! Unfortunately this can lead to a lot of fumbling and mistakes that waste time and resources. I have listed down mistakes in preparedness.

1. Define your prepping

Most Preppers do not know what are they preparing for. I have seen a lot buying different kinds of daggers, knives, and the like. When you ask them "for what are they preparing for?", they will answer differently as to what they are showing off. Some will say they are preparing for "SHTF". SHTF! are you kidding? that's the effect of too much watching of Zombie movies. 

Some will say there are preparing for calamity. OK... this is a legit reason. But what measures have you already done to prepare for a calamity? What kind of calamity are you preparing for? Tsunami, earthquake, landslide, flood.

A Prepper should be aware as to what is he preparing for and don't just imitate other preppers he see.

There are several types of Prepping;
- Urban Prepping
- Rural Prepping
- Calamity Prepping
- Bugging Out
- Off Grid

If you classify yourself as a Prepper, you have to bear in mind that you have to blend in with the environment. Prepare only according to your needs.

2. Too Tactical

This one seems to be all to common. As I have said, many beginning preppers seem to be Hell bent on arming themselves for the Apocalypse. Maybe it is one too many episodes of The Walking Dead but many grab onto the guns and hold on way too tight! They become convinced that the only way to truly be prepared is to be ready to fight World War 3. Now there is nothing wrong with owning as many guns as you want, but being a prepper is different then being a gun collector. 10 Ar-15’s and 20,000 rounds of 62gr 5.56mm but no food, other means of cooking, or a back up heating plan makes for a piss poor prepper.

Security is vital just don’t kid yourself into thinking that being armed to the gills makes you a better prepper. Outside of the most harrowing collapse scenarios 1 or 2 less guns could mean the resources to get you through the next calamity that WILL eventually impact your life!

3. Hoarding

You don't have to hoard consumable items as if you are not going out of your house for 30 years. Stock only how much you can carry.

4. Over Stuff

Stuff rules! Who doesn’t love stuff? But stuff has a Dark Side. Stuff can lead you down a slippery slope and give you a false sense of security. Stuff should be subordinate to skills and not the other way around.

If you have a generator being able to hook it to your house via a transfer switch or knowing how to safely run extension cords is paramount. Did you know that most generators need their oil changed after a number of hours of use? Are you ready to do that?

Shooting is awesome but can you care for your firearms? Can you keep them running when the chips are down?

If you are counting on a wood stove for emergency heat do you know how to keep it burning efficiently?

So stuff is good but being able to use, maintain, and even make do if your stuff breaks down is even better.

5. Don't Prep Alone

The “Lone Wolf” mentality will get more beginning Preppers killed or hurt in a real emergency than anything else. Real wolves roll in packs with mutually supporting members who care for each other.

- What are yo going to do if you get hurt or sick?
- If security is a concern are you going to be able to stay awake 24/7 to keep an eye out?
- Humans are social creatures, that is why even in prison isolation is used as a punishment!
- Are you prepared to let your friends and family suffer while you withdraw?

The Wrap-Up

So if you can manage to avoid running off and scooting down certain rabbit holes and approach prepping with a safe and sane plan, you will most likely come through the next (yes they do happen) big disaster that rolls around with style. And isn’t surviving with style what it is all about?